Sunday, June 2, 2019

"American Wrestler - The Wizard"

I saw the previews for "American Wrestler - The Wizard" when I was watching another DVD recently and it intrigued me enough that I decided to check it out from my local library.  However, it has been sitting in my family room for a week or two as I second guessed myself as to whether this was something I really wanted to watch.

Tonight I decided I'd put it on and, if I didn't like it, I could always stop it.  Well....I found it to be very good and it is based on a true story.  At a time when Americans were being held hostage in Iran and feelings against Iranians were running high with a desire to deport them all (sound familiar), 17 year old Ali Jahani is smuggled out of Iran by his parents to live with his mother's brother in California.

Ali is being sent away because he is considered too small to fight as a regular soldier so he would be used instead to walk into mine fields to clear them for the soldiers.  Having already lost one son, his parents decide he must leave.  He is smuggled safely out of the country and is in northern California 2 weeks later living with his uncle and trying to fit into American life.

Ali speaks Farsi, perfect English, and French (His mother is part French.) and is bright but is taunted by some of the students - particularly some of the athletes because he is Iranian, because he is different -- well some of you know how hard it is to fit into a new high school.

However, the way he wins over everyone is to take up wrestling.  While working with the coach, his uncle (an expert wrestler) is also teaching him at home.  He takes a losing team to the state championships and beccomes a hero to his school and seems to also improve relations with Iranians in his area.

This story is excellently done and very heartwarming.  I do recommend it!  pazt

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