Monday, May 20, 2019

"Parental Guidance"

"Parental Guidance" was a movie recommended in something I was reading recently so I checked it out from the library.  It stars Billy Crystal and Bette Midler who are the parents of Marissa Tomei's character.  Her husband has won an award and wants her to go away with him for a week but his parents are not available to stay with their 3 children - a daughter 12 and 2 younger sons.  He convinces her to call her parents who quickly realize they're the "other" grandparents -- those who don't get as much time with the grandchildren.  Daughter is a type-A personality with all kinds of new-fangled parenting ideas while her parents are old-school.  Little does she know that her dad has lost his job as a baseball announcer for a minor league team -- something that has been the "best job ever" and he's pretty fragile right now.

The fun begins when the grandparents have to throw mom's rules out the window to deal with the grandchildren as well as the youngest one's imaginary friend.

It's a fun film with some substance about families and family relationships.  pazt

Sunday, May 19, 2019

"Going In Style"

"Going In Style" is a movie starring Morgan Freeman, Michael Caine, Alan Arkin, and Ann Margaret.  It's about three aging friends who are losing their pensions due to a corporate takeover.  One is losing his home and another needs a new kidney or he will die.  It's about second chances when one finds love and marriage.  It's about taking chances -- like robbing a bank - to fund your retirement and allow you to spend more time with daughters and granddaughters.  Most of all it's about friendship and the lengths one will go to support and maintain those friendships.  I expected it to be more comedic but it was just the right touch of comedy and seriousness.  pazt