Friday, June 23, 2017

"Found Guilty At Five"

"Found Guilty At Five" is Ann Purser's 12th book in the Lois Meade Mystery series and the story begins with a wedding.  Lois' daughter is marrying the nephew of Inspector Cowgill making them family.

Jamie, the Meade's youngest son, is home for the wedding and has brought a friend who performs musically with him, Akiko.   Akiko's cello appears to be safely locked up in Jamie's car while they're staying with his parents until it is stolen one night.  Since it has great value, Inspector Cowgill is called in to investigate.

The tale goes beyond the theft of a cello, though, when Akiko is kidnapped and her father is left for dead by one of his employees who later ends up dead himself.  Jamie and Lois work in cooperation with Inspector Cowgill (and at times without his cooperation) as well as with the assistance of the former lady of the manor, Mrs. Tollervey-Jones.  The plot is an interesting one that kept me guessing at times as to who were villains and who were not!  pazt

Thursday, June 8, 2017

"Manchester By The Sea" - The DVD

The DVD, "Manchester By The Sea," is very popular at our local library so, when I received it, I only had seven days to view it because there were over 200 individuals on the hold list waiting to check out a copy.

Since I knew it had been nominated for 5 Golden Globe Nominations, I was pretty excited to watch it even though I really didn't have an idea what the movie was about.  The acting was great but the movie itself is pretty dark so wasn't exactly what I needed to lift my spirits while getting over a spring cold.  Am I glad I watched it - yes!  Would I recommend it -- I honestly don't know....pazt

Monday, June 5, 2017

"Night School"

"Night School" is another novel in the Jack Reacher series by Lee Child and it is complex and great!

Reacher has just received another medal and is being sent to school.  Actually, being sent to school is just a way to get him, an FBI agent and a CIA analyst under the radar so they can work on a highly sensitive case.  It involves a Jihadist sleeper cell in Germany and an American who has something to sell for a million dollars -- What is it and who is the American?

We're taken on a pretty wild ride with Reacher, his assistant and the others involved to determine what is going on and who is behind it -- another convoluted tale and I loved it!  pazt