Sunday, May 27, 2018


"Run" by Andrew Grant is a stand alone novel -- not part of his Cooper Devereaux or David Trvellyan series and it is an outstanding book!

Many years ago (before it was made into a movie) I read "Ender's Game" which was in the teen section of our library.  I don't recall how I heard about it but it was a book whose ending caught me totally unawares and I've not had a book before or since then that surprised me with its ending -- until "Run!"

Marc Bowman is a computer consultant and software designer who has been consulting at a firm where his wife works.  One day he walks into the office and is told that the boss (and his friend) wants to see him immediately.  He is told that his services are no longer needed and he is to be escorted out of the building and his personal computer and belongings will be delivered by courier to his home.

His wife seems to be clueless about why he's been terminated so suddenly but she also appears to need something from him -- something the company wants returned but he hasn't a clue what they're talking about.

At this point events turn bizarre and he is involved with Homeland Security and the FBI and at odds with his wife who he is unable to contact.  As he sorts through what is going on and why people seem so interested in him, clues evolve and he has to make a plan as some individuals around him are ending up dead.

How he resolved the situation blew my mind and was totally unexpected.  Please do not read ahead!  I'm glad I didn't!  pazt

P.S.  If you (like me) check out books in order on, you will see that there are two authors named Andrew Grant.  This particular Andrew Grant is the younger brother of Lee Child and husband of Tasha Alexander who are also authors. 

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