Tuesday, July 23, 2019


Recently a man was killed in what I suspect was a road rage incident not too far from my daughter's home.  All I know is what I have read in the paper.  He was close to home and his car ended up hitting the car in front of him  -- I don't know if there had been any interaction between the two drivers before this but the man in the car ahead of him got out and went back and shot and killed the other driver.  The paper said the man who was killed was only a few blocks from his home and his children who loved him.

The man who shot and killed him did not return to his car but stood on the sidelines in a crowd of people watching until someone pointed him out to the police.  It turns out many years ago in California he was involved in an incident where he shot and paralyzed another driver.  He was found not guilty by the jury but from what I read of the incident the jury felt they had no choice but that verdict even though they didn't feel right about it.  So my question -- why is that man out there again with a gun?!

As I told my family about this -- especially the grandchildren -- I reminded them how important it is not to escalate road rage incidents.

So....what did I do today?  I'm not proud of it but there is a three way stop to leave my subdivision.  Everyone is to stop at their stop sign and wait their turn to proceed to the exit.  Today I did just that and it was my turn when a young woman across from me came up to the stop sign  and proceeded to exit without stopping.  I honked at her and, since I was going the same direction she was, I followed her in the lane she was in and when she was stopped in traffic, I took out my phone & took a picture of her license tag.  She got out of the car and asked why I was taking a picture of her car and I told her it was because she didn't stop at the stop sign.  Her response - "I wouldn't want to live in your stupid subdivision anyway!"  Mine was that I was glad she didn't!

I live in an over 55 community and only residents are to be in the community unless they're accompanied by another resident so I suspect she might have been there visiting someone but I hope I don't see her again.

I am not proud of my behavior either and it has been on my mind most of the day -- Why did I react that way?  What kind of example am I setting for my grandchildren?

This was not a proud day, folks!  pazt

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