Wednesday, March 22, 2017

"Nancy Wake - SOE's Greatest Heroine"

"Nancy Wake-SOE's Greatest Heroine" is probably the best true story I've ever read.  It's written by Russell Braddon and reads like a novel.  He did a lot of research and had many conversations with Nancy herself and others she worked with.  Braddon has also written a book describing his experience as a prisoner in Changi for four years during World War II called "The Naked Island" and it was a best seller.

Nancy was an Australian who went to France in 1939 and there she met a wealthy young man, Henri Fiocca.  They fell in love and married in 1940 and Nancy lived a very privileged life with Henri.  However, when the war came along and France was occupied, she couldn't just sit back and do nothing so she pleaded with Henri to donate money to help others and she herself became part of the resistance movement.

When things became too "hot" for her in France, Henri realized she must get out of the country.  She'd built quite a reputation for herself and the Gestapo were searching for the "White Mouse" although they yet had a name to put with her.  She escaped to England and Henri promised to follow.

In the meantime, she is enlisted in Britain to join the British Special Operations Executive.  After months of training she was parachuted back into France and she became a leader of around 7,000 men who were part of the resistance.  She was sent in advance of D-Day with special instructions to make preparations and disrupt German activity.

Nancy was an amazing woman commanding all these men in her 20's and escaping danger herself many times.  I highly recommend this book!  pazt

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