Wednesday, July 16, 2014

"Judgment and Wrath"

"Judgment and Wrath" is the second book by Matt Hilton in the Joe Hunter series.  Joe has settled into what he expects to be a quiet life working in his friend Rink's private detective agency in Florida.  However, when he is hired to find a man's daughter (Marianne) and get her away from her millionaire boyfriend, Bradley Jorgenson, he may not have been given all the facts pertinent to the situation.

In the meantime there is a contract killer out there by the name of Dantalion who may complicate Joe's job.  As Joe is watching Marianne and her boyfriend, he recognizes someone whose intentions may not be the best for Marianne and Bradley.  When he intervenes, he almost gets himself killed and life gets a lot more complicated for Marianne, Bradley, Joe, and Rink and a lot of people end up dead.  Will he be able to complete his job without getting himself or anyone else killed?  This is another action packed, fast-paced novel from beginning to end and it took me until the end to find out why some "innocents" also ended up dead.  I'm already looking forward to the next Joe Hunter book in the series!  pazt 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the kind review, Patz. Glad to hear you're enjoying the Hunter books.
