Saturday, January 19, 2019

"The Love Letter"

"The Love Letter" DVD is one I picked up at my local library and it was billed as "the comedy that pushes the envelope."  It's a 1999 movie starring Kate Capshaw, Ellen DeGeneres, Tom Everett Scott, and Tom Selleck when they were 20 years younger!  Although it is a fun movie, it wasn't the comedy that I expected.

The setting is a sleepy New England town called Loblolly By The Sea and Helen, owner of the local bookstore, finds a handwritten letter and is curious about who wrote it.  It's a love letter and she begins to imagine which of the locals might have written it and thinks it is for her.  She ends up in a romance with a young college student, Johnny, who is looking after his parent's home for the summer and ignoring the twice divorced man, George, she went to school with who has had a crush on her forever.

Although we find out who the author is in the end and who the letter was meant to go to, the letter seems to have a power of its own to uncover secrets and change lives.  pazt

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