Wednesday, June 12, 2013

"Up In The Air"

I missed seeing George Clooney in "Up In The Air" when it was in the theaters but finally checked out a copy from our library.  Clooney plays Ryan Bingham, a man who travels so much for business that he spends little time in his small apartment -- so little time that it reminds me of a hotel room.  He's got his life organized to death -- how to travel and how to keep everything to a minimum -- including relationships.  He even conducts workshops on minimizing.  He also doesn't think anything is missing until he meets two women.  One is a fellow traveler and they begin to find places to connect when they're both on the road.  The other is a young woman who has come to work for his company to streamline things.  However, he doesn't think her streamlining will work and takes her on the road with him to show her why.

I can't decide if Ryan is content with his life or just really, really shallow and happy with casual relationships.  Ryan has traveled so much that he's obsessed with becoming a million mile flyer and getting his name on an airplane.  His female co-worker says if she had a million miles she'd look at the departure board and decide where she wanted to go.

What happens?  He discovers there is something missing in his life and he does want a relationship.  His female co-worker decides her decision to follow a man to Omaha (who then dumps her) versus going with the job she really wanted in San Francisco was a mistake.

Will he get his million miles and that relationship he wants and, if so, how will his life change?  Will his female co-worker change her life and go for what she really wants?  Will his female travel companion become his lifetime companion?  This movie had my spouse and I discussing it for days afterwards!  pazt

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