Monday, December 10, 2012

"The Poyson Garden"

"The Poyson Garden" is the first in Karen Harper's Elizabeth I mysteries and shows great promise for those to follow (9 books in the series from 1999 to 2007).

In "The Poyson Garden" Elizabeth, daughter of Anne Boleyn and King Henry, has been sent into exile during her half sister "Bloody" Mary's reign.  In her country home she is watched closely by Thomas Pope and his wife, Bea -- both loyal to Queen Mary and there to spy on Elizabeth and report back to the Queen.  However, she has those close to her to watch over and aid her.  There is Kat who has served as her mother since her own mother, Anne Boleyn, was beheaded when Elizabeth was three -- for refusing to admit that Elizabeth was a bastard child and not the daughter of Anne and King Henry.  There is also Jenks, her loyal manservant who is able to come and go more freely than Elizabeth herself.

When Elizabeth learns Mary Boleyn, her mother's sister who she thought was already dead, is on her deathbed, she makes plans to secretly visit her with the help of Kat who informs the Popes that Elizabeth is in bed with a headache - a common occurrence for Elizabeth.  While visiting Mary, Elizabeth meets her cousin who has been living in exile in Europe and has come home to be with his dying mother.  While riding there in secret, he and his manservant are attacked and his servant dies from the poison arrows in his body but her cousin escapes.  This leads to the unraveling of a plot to attack and kill Elizabeth and she must find the poisoner or become a victim herself and never able to sit on the throne.

In the meantime, Elizabeth learns that Queen Mary has been killing Protestants loyal to her so everyone who supports her continue to be in danger but Queen Mary is also said to be dying from a stomach tumor.  Can Elizabeth find the poisoner and stop her or him and eventually become Queen herself and take England, Scotland, and Ireland back from Queen Mary's Spanish husband and others robbing its coffers and threatening her subjects?

It's a very well written historical mystery with Elizabeth as a strong heroine.  I can't wait to read the next book in this series.  pazt

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