Wednesday, March 7, 2012

"Killing Neptune's Daughter"

"Killing Neptune's Daughter" is Randall Peffer's first novel. Billy Bagwell (aka Bagman or Bagger) is called home by one of his best friends (Zal, now a priest)to attend the funeral of a mutual childhood friend, Tina Werlin,who was murdered in New York.

Billy's friends believe he somehow holds the key to who murdered Tina and why - which he denies. However, as he begins to relive some of the darker aspects of his growing up years while reconnecting with his friends, his life is threatened on two separate occasions as he begins to unpeel the layers of his past. The memories that surface lead he and his friends to the killer among them while putting their lives in danger.

This is as much a psychological thriller as it is a murder mystery but the darkness of the story might be unappealing to many. Although it is a well written story, it's not one I'd choose to read again.


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